6 Prime Opportunities to Share a Company Press Release

January 28, 2020

Men having meeting around an office table

6 Prime Opportunities to Share a Company Press Release

No business exists in a vacuum. Every company across all geographic markets and global sectors is surrounded by key groups of people: customers, competitors, shareholders and interested parties galore beyond those.

As your business grows and evolves, these people will likely follow you on your journey – and press releases offer the perfect medium for making sure loyal members of your customer base and curious rivals alike are fully up-to-date on your professional progress.

If you’re wondering what exactly a press release is and how you can harness this content format to boost brand awareness and credibility, look no further. In this post, we’re sharing some primary examples of PR-worthy occasions and exploring how you can take advantage of these company milestones in the name of coveted coverage.

Men having meeting around an office table
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Your team is expanding

New hires are an exciting prospect for any business, from the opportunity to welcome a new member into your professional family to the chance to expand your company’s offering with the right new talent. Whatever your reasons for recruiting, there’s ample material for a press release in any story about team expansion.

Consider what you hope to achieve as a company by introducing this new team member: will they offer a valuable new perspective on your industry, take your business offering to the next level or even revolutionise the way you do business? Regardless of the narrative, the press release writes itself.

You’re moving to a new office

Whether your growing team means you need to upsize your office or you’re ready to make the move and take on an exciting new territory, office moves are a natural part of life as an entrepreneur – and a newsworthy one at that.

Local news publications will always be interested in a story of an ambitious team moving to a new location where they can serve their area and achieve their company aspirations – and if your office move is a strategic move designed to help you take on big players in your market, your story could even be of interest to trade publications (generating some flattering and highly relevant coverage for your brand).

You’ve won an industry award

Industry awards and accolades are a coveted prize in many sectors, where this sort of acclaim amounts to a sought-after brand. If you’ve been so fortunate as to have your years of hard work and industry innovation recognised by an awarding body, we daresay this will already have generated some natural coverage of its own – but it’d be a shame to let your fame fizzle out before its time.

With a dedicated press release, you can be loud and proud about your recent award win – sharing this content with customers, stakeholders and sector influencers to make sure all of the above are well aware of your stand-out status.

You’ve secured a new client or partnership

In the B2B world, there are coveted clients with whom a mere association can elevate a business to the ranks of the major players. Likewise, in the B2C sphere, there are magnetic brands with whom any small business would kill to be involved in cross-promotional activity.

As your company grows, you’re sure to reach the important company milestone that is bagging the sort of enviable client or partnership you’ve always dreamed of – and when the time comes, there’s no better way to shout your news from the rooftops than by putting together a timely press release making this news common knowledge.

You’re rebranding

There are many reasons a company may choose to undergo a rebrand – including but not limited to a fresh start without past professional baggage, a repositioning within your market or a desire to remain relevant in a fast-moving sector. Whatever you’re hoping to get out of your clean slate, your brand transformation will make for interesting reading in the form of an exclusive press release.

In this case, your press release may actually turn out to be as educational as it is promotional, with customers, shareholders and industry influencers alike all benefiting from getting to know the new and improved you.

You’re innovating your sector

True innovation isn’t easy – and if you’ve managed to offer a truly unique product or service to your customers, or elegantly solve an age-old problem your industry has worked for years to overcome, your stroke of genius deserves its time in the sun.

With an informational press release highlighting exactly what makes your achievement an innovation, you can leave all concerned parties in no doubt of your trailblazing credentials. Just remember to back up your big idea with genuine testimonials from members of your community (who can attest to its success) for maximum credibility.

At Six Circles, we’re in the business of community building. With our holistic engagement platform, you can give your brand’s community all of the tools they need to keep their finger on the pulse of your business – whether you’re sharing industry knowledge, a hot new discussion topic or shiny new press release of your own.

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