February Bulletin 2021

February 11, 2021

February Bulletin 2021

Here’s your monthly roundup on everything Six Circles, from what’s happening behind the scenes to what’s to come on our ever-evolving community engagement platform…

Company News

In January, we were excited to welcome a new member to the Six Circles family. Meet Thomas Mannix

Getting to know you


Thomas is joining our sales team as a Business Development Executive. With a background in the software industry, Thomas is bringing plenty of exciting knowledge and experience to the table!

Growing up, Thomas wanted to be a detective. Now, fuelled by a champion combo of steak, chips and peppercorn sauce, he’s using those investigative skills to detect new opportunities to further grow our already expanding client base.

As a Middlesbrough FC fan, he’s used to his fair share of disappointments – luckily, his new chapter at Six Circles won’t be one of them!


Future Roadmap

Here’s what exciting new developments and updates are in the works for the rest of Q1:

Newly structured email notification centre

Our newly structured email notification centre is now live, along with some further improvements to our email digest.

But that’s not all – further updates will be added over the next few weeks, allowing you to tailor notifications relating to features across the platform.

Private groups within the forum area

We’re excited to let you know that the private group integration within the forum area is now live! This allows you to create closed areas for specific members, giving you greater control than ever before.

With all of these exciting developments, be sure to keep an eye on the Six Circles platform throughout February to be the first to find out more.

We always welcome any suggestions on what you’d like to see on the Six Circles platform over the coming months. Why not send your ideas to support@sixcircles.co.uk? We’d love to hear from you!



Feature Spotlight

Each month, we’re shining the spotlight on a different feature of the Six Circles platform to ensure you’re always getting the most out of what we have to offer. This month, we’re focusing on the Stripe integration feature.

Did you know?

You can handle payments within several different areas on the Six Circles community platform.

How to use this feature

If you’re looking to handle payments online and move away from manual processes, we can activate Stripe integration – this will feed payments directly from your platform straight into your own bank accounts.

This allows members to pay for events, packages and even subscriptions, all through the platform, with ease – keeping them on your platform instead of navigating to an external page (where that precious engagement may be lost!).

But that’s not all. This handy integration can also be utilised by admins to capture payments for any features that you wish to monetise within your community. Take the member offers/promotion area, for example. Thanks to our Stripe integration, a member can now submit an offer, then pay to have it promoted on your platform. Alternatively, you could set a fixed price for members who wish to publish their own polls or news stories on your platform – the important part is that you’re in control.

With the ability to monetise more elements of your community area, purpose-driven community engagement has never been easier than it is using the Six Circles platform.

empower your people with a private community they can trust.

Take control of your community with Six Circles. Build a completely customisable branded platform for your people and have full control of your data & content. No social media limitations here!

Let Your Community Thrive!

Speak With A Member Of Our Team And Try Free For 14 Days