July Bulletin

July 9, 2021


July Bulletin

Here’s your monthly roundup on everything Six Circles, from what’s happening behind the scenes to what’s to come on our ever-evolving community engagement platform… 

Company news  

In June, we completed a series of security and infrastructure improvements across the Six Circles platform. This, combined with the routine bug fixes also completed this month, ensures our platform continues to run smoothly and remains secure.


Future roadmap

Work continues on the platform redesign we’ve been conducting over the past few months, with some exciting new developments coming soon!

Of course, we always welcome any suggestions around what you would like to see on the Six Circles platform. Send any ideas to support@sixcircles.co.uk – we can’t wait to hear them.


Feature Spotlight

Each month, we’re shining the spotlight on a different feature of the Six Circles platform to guarantee you’re always getting the most out of what we have to offer. This month, we’re focusing on the push notifications feature.

Did you know?

Within your Six Circles community area, there’s a new feature that allows you to tailor the notifications your members receive.

How to use this feature 

In last month’s bulletin, we shared more details about our email templates feature. This feature is just one of three exciting components of our new notification centre, though.

So, this month, we’re bringing you part two of our notification centre developments (found within your admin area): the push notifications tool.

When selecting push notifications, you’ll be taken into a library of notifications that are available across the platform. These range from your standard activation/password resets to more complex options like activity updates (such as new post notifications, etc). 

We’ve seen the push notifications feature help communities tailor how their platform engages with its members. This often drives community members to keep returning and getting involved across the platform.

The tailoring doesn’t end there, though. Members now can control their own notifications within their member profile, giving them the ability to personalise their platform experience based on what engagement best suits them.

If you would like to see a short demonstration on how to make the most of these notifications, contact support@sixcircles.co.uk and your dedicated account manager will be in touch.

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