Every day, we receive an influx of push notifications across our mobile and desktop devices. In fact, the average US smartphone user receives 46 app push notifications per day.
With so much competition, you’d be forgiven for assuming that push notifications have begun to lose their pulling power. But this isn’t true – it’s all about knowing how to utilise them the right way.
That’s why, today, we’re exploring 6 undisputable reasons your brand shouldn’t be ignoring push notifications when it comes to engaging (and re-engaging) your customer community.
Effortless marketing
Marketing isn’t easy.
But as opposed to more traditional methods of marketing, push notifications enable you to sell and upsell at very specific touchpoints. For example, whereas alternate methods of marketing require you to target a generic stage of the sales funnel, notifications enable you to target specific points of the user journey based on their micro-behaviours. This means you’re able to stay in touch with your community far more efficiently and with a greater sense of subtlety that will feel less intrusive to your customers.
Send real-time reminders and updates that encourage your customers to engage in your desired way. These updates could relate to new products, sales or special offers to name just a few – the trick is to provide an incentive that means users can’t help but click.
Better targeting
Push notifications can be targeted to specific users, making them ultra-effective in retargeting and re-engaging dormant users.
Has a particular user been inactive or unengaged for a period of time? A push notification is a great way to remarket your brand by simply reminding them you’re there – often, that’s all a customer needs.
This simple reminder works wonders with semi-engaged customers, too. From cart abandonment nudges to tailored reminders based on browsing history, there are plenty of ways push notifications can be used to ensure that conversion makes it over the line.
Simple personalisation
Personalisation is all the rage right now. So much so that it’s almost become an expectation from customers – consumers expect businesses to care more about them as an individual.
Unsurprisingly, personalised content receives far greater engagement. In fact, a huge 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalised experiences.
So, look to personalise your push notifications wherever possible. It can be something as simple as including the customer’s name in the content or, for best results, you may look to personalise your push notification campaigns by analysing user behaviours and preferences.
Real-time delivery
In today’s digital world, so much is instantaneous. Isn’t it about time your marketing efforts caught up with the times?
Real-time delivery enables you to heighten the sense of urgency among your customers, playing on psychological triggers such as FOMO to inspire action in users. Limited time offers and low stock notifications work particularly well in these instances.
Plus, with the average consumer spending a shocking 50 days on their smartphone per year, you can rest assured your customers will see your notification. All that’s left is ensuring your content is powerful enough to drive the engagement you want to see.
Improved efficiency
From resources to blog posts, emails to newsletters, we don’t need to tell you that content takes time.
Push notifications, on the other hand, prove you can reap maximum rewards with minimal content. Providing you get your message right (through a combination of data-driven strategy and on-brand messaging), push notifications can be an incredibly efficient way to market and engage.
After all, the focus here should be on delivering a powerful and succinct message in as few words as possible. This should save you internal time compared with the content and design of other communication methods, all while providing just as much (if not more) positive engagement.
More engagement
One of the greatest benefits of push notifications is that they demand to be noticed.
Though the success of channels such as email speak for themselves, you’re always running the risk of your message being lost amidst a stuffed inbox. Push notifications, on the other hand, will appear on users’ screens – and best of all, it won’t disappear until they’ve next engaged with their device.
Compare this with the email marketing process, for example. Whereas you need to utilise the power of an irresistible subject line to entice users into reading your content, with push notifications, the content’s ready and waiting. Without having to worry about click-through, users are far more likely to engage.
Here at Six Circles, we’ve seen our push notification feature help brands tailor how their platform engages their members. To learn more about how this could help your business, get in touch with Six Circles today and request your free demo of our community engagement platform.