Here’s your monthly roundup on everything at Six Circles, from what’s happening behind the scenes to what’s to come on our ever-evolving community engagement platform…
Company News & Updates
We’re excited to let you know that we’re entering the final stretch of the desktop and mobile optimisation of the platform redesign – keep your eyes peeled for more very shortly!
Once this is completed, we’ll begin work on the new progressive web app, which will soon become a vital companion tool to your platform.
Of course, we always welcome any suggestions around what you’d like to see on the Six Circles platform. Send any ideas to – we can’t wait to hear them.
Feature Spotlight
Each month, we’re shining the spotlight on a different feature of the Six Circles platform to guarantee you’re always getting the most out of what we have to offer. This month, we’re focusing on the Forum / Private Threads area.
Did you know?
You can host your own private threads within your forum area, allowing your community to house closed-off discussions and focus groups.
Last month, we outlined all of the areas of the platform where discussions can be facilitated. As promised, this month, we’re shining the spotlight on a relatively new feature: the private thread tool found within the Forum area.
We added the private thread tool following the feedback we received from a variety of clients across a range of sectors.
Interestingly, no matter the industry or business type, there’s always a need for your communities to host private discussions. Whether it’s a focus group for market research or volunteer-only threads and private admin discussion areas to smoothen internal processes, this solution serves a range of needs.
How to use this feature
The tool can be utilised in 2 ways – we’ve found both ways simple and user-friendly.
First, the admin can adjust the accessibility so that only admins can create private threads, giving you full control over the Forum area. Alternatively, you can open it up to allow your members to create their own private threads, empowering your community to start closed-off discussion areas.
Whichever option you pick, setup is easy.
When you start a thread within the forum area, to make it private, all you need to do is click the new ‘private thread’ button. Once activated, the thread is immediately set to private. To choose who you’d like to include in your secure thread, simply tag (@) the members in the thread – this will grant them the permissions they need to participate within the thread.
Finally, when you’ve created and/or been included in private threads, navigate to the Forum area and locate the private thread section at the top of the page. This will house all discussions you’re involved in for quick and easy access.
If you’d like to see a short demonstration on how to make most of these features, contact and your dedicated account manager will be in touch