Six ways to drive engagement on your website

January 18, 2019

Six ways to drive engagement on your website

Technology has had a major effect on the attention span of humans; not long ago, researchers identified that human beings may now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish. This is a worrying development, considering the digital age we’ve grown into.

With your website being the forefront of your business communications, you need people to see it, stay on it and learn more about it. So, here are six ways to drive people to your site.

Write a blog

Yes, it’s time-consuming and yes, on its own, you might get better results by picking up the phone and talking to someone. Furthermore, it can feel as though everyone is doing it… but why?

A blog is a powerful tool for the author and reader, as well as for the key piece of technology that connects the two – search engines. These fundamental digital tools learn to prioritise fresh, relevant content – and in any case, the more you ‘blog’, the more you are likely to find that you enjoy it.

Optimise your SEO

What do you specialise in? What is your USP (unique selling point)? The search engines won’t know unless you tell them. Perform an audit of your website pages and see how many of them contain keywords and phrases that will help you to stand out.

Your blog can even help with this, as you learn to link pages to others’ sites and relevant content or form relationships with other businesses that would benefit from linking to your site from theirs or vice versa.

Use what you have

You don’t even have to come up with a network of new pages to make the most of your site right now. In fact, occasionally refreshing the content on the pages that you already have can greatly help them to be seen in a new light – by both people and search engines.

This means that the blog post or web page you first published way back when can still be useful and made more relevant than ever with just a little extra work.

Add content to your calendar

Schedule a few short and simple social media posts about what you’re doing, what you offer and what else you’re interested in.

One of the problems that people face when they land on any website is that it’s a digital presence only. In other words, it’s not a person who they will emotionally engage with. You should therefore add personality to your business by using social media channels and let other people know what inspires you so that you can inspire them.

Add visuals and videos

Not everyone is made for life in front of the camera. However, the majority of businesspeople have a very particular something in common – they enjoy talking about what they do.

If you appear to look into the eyes of your customers as you talk about your business, they will get to see the passion behind the product or service. You could even add a relevant image or video to every social or blog post to help to portray this passion in every piece of communication you create.

Listen and respond

In using social media, why not also listen to what others are saying about the sector in which you work? If you participate in Q&A sessions and polls and join the conversations already taking place across social media channels, you’ll meet new people – and their ideas – and get to talk knowledgeably about a subject in which you have achieved excellence.

With your Six Circles platform, you can invite the people who mean the most to your business into a powerful new community of ideas, conversation and growth. Get in touch with us today to discover how to keep driving the right people to your website, business and brand.

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